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Zero Sauce 350 ml

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5,00 €

Sugar* - and fat-free** sauce with sweeteners.

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Why do we recommend the product BioTechUSA Zero Sauce?

  • It is sugar-free*
  • lactose-free*
  • gluten-free*
  • fat-free**
  • low calorie***

1Thanks to its low calorie feature, Zero Sauce can be incorporated into a variety of diets. (this has the “diet safe” feature in HL, belongs to it)

*The statements refer to the product.

** For the curry-flavoured Zero Sauce, the “low-fat” statement is true. Low-fat: ≤1,5 g fat/100 ml product.

***The statement does not apply to the mustard and curry flavoured versions!

Mustard, ketchup, BBQ sauce, garlic dressing and others... but not traditionally!

We know that everything is more delicious with ketchup or BBQ sauce, but you do not pour them on your favourite meals without thinking because you pay attention to your sugar intake, and you also handle garlic dips carefully because you may quickly reach the maximum of your daily fat intake with them.

If you like flavours, spices, sweet and hot together, but you would like to pay attention to your diet, the sugar*- and fat-free** Zero Sauce offers a great alternative to the traditional sauces!

And if you long for something sweet...

Try the Zero Syrup with chocolate, strawberry and maple syrup flavouring poured on your favourite pancake, granola, porridge or protein ice cream!

Packaging: 350 ml

Flavours:  mustard, spicy garlic, BBQ, ketchup, thousand island dressing, Caesar dressing, sweet chili, curry

How to use the BioTechUSA Zero Sauce?

  • If you are looking for a tasty, but sugar-free sauce because you want more than the traditional ones
  • As a dressing on salads
  • To make meat dishes with marinade
  • To season salty dishes
  • For sandwiches
  • For anything to your liking.

Zero Sauce, like any other BioTechUSA products, contains safe, carefully selected ingredients.


Advice on use: Eat it according to your taste with a salad, sandwich, or whatever you want! Recommended maximum quantity: 15 ml (about one spoonful) of product. Shake well before use.

Storing recommendation: After opening, store it in a refrigerator and consume within 2 weeks. Do not freeze it!


mustard: water, vinegar, salt, thickeners (cellulose gum, xanthangum, guar gum), citrus fibre (from lemon and lime peel), modifiedpotato starch, free-range egg yolks, mustard [ground mustard seed,vinegar, salt, flavouring, antioxidant (sodium metabisulphite)], acid(citric acid), herbs, spices, colours (titanium dioxide, carotenes),preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), sweeteners(sucralose, saccharins), flavouring, antioxidant (calcium disodiumEDTA).

spicy garlic: water, vinegar, garlic powder (3%), salt, crushed red pepper(Capsicum annuum), modified potato starch, free-range egg yolks, citrusfibre (lemon and lime peel), thickeners (cellulose gum, xanthan gum, guargum), mustard (ground mustard seed, vinegar, salt, flavouring), acid(citric acid), herbs, spices, colour (titanium dioxide), preservatives(potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), sweeteners (sucralose,saccharins), flavouring, antioxidant (calcium disodium EDTA).

BBQ: water, vinegar, thickeners (cellulosegum, xanthan gum, guar gum), salt, citrus fibre (from lemon andlime peel), tomato pasta, acid (citric acid), smoke flavouring, colour(sulphite ammonia caramel), preservative (potassium sorbate),sweetener (sucralose), flavouring.

ketchup: water, vinegar, tomato pasta(3%), thickeners (cellulose gum, xanthan gum, guar gum), citrusfibre (from lemon and lime peel), salt, herbs, acid (lactic acid,citric acid), spices (contains coriander), black carrot (Daucuscarota ssp.) root extract, colour (carotenes), preservative(potassium sorbate), sweetener (sucralose), flavouring.

thousand island dressing: water, vinegar,thickeners (cellulose gum, xanthan gum, guar gum), citrusfibre (from lemon and lime peel), salt, tomato pasta, herbs,spices, acid (citric acid), colours (titanium dioxide, carotenes),preservative (potassium sorbate), sweetener (sucralose),black carrot (Daucus carota ssp.) root extract.

Caesar dressing: water, vinegar, salt,thickeners (cellulose gum, xanthan gum, guar gum), citrus fibre(from lemon and lime peel), herbs, spices, acid (citric acid),colour (titanium dioxide), preservative (potassium sorbate),sweetener (sucralose).

sweet chili: water, thickeners (xanthan gum,cellulose gum, guar gum), salt, vinegar, acid (citric acid), grindedchilis 0.5%, herbs, spices (contains coriander), preservatives(potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), sweeteners (sucralose,saccharins), flavouring.

curry: water, vinegar, salt, thickeners (cellulose gum,xanthan gum, guar gum), citrus fibre (lemon and lime peel), modifiedpotato starch, free-range egg yolk, mustard (ground mustard seed,vinegar, salt, flavouring), vegetable powder, acid (citric acid), herbs,spices (contains celery), colours (titanium dioxide, carotenes),preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), sweeteners(sucralose, saccharins), flavouring, antioxidant (calcium disodiumEDTA).